Reported by Nardo EC1DD

     To celebrate 400th anniversary of the death of the Muguel de Cervantes, author of “Don Quixote” , URE(Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles) issued special award with  14 special callsigns.From 19 september to 9 october 2016.

     Per le celebrazioni del 400° anniversario dell’autore del “Don Chisciotte” Miguel de Cervantes l’URE (Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles) ha istituito un diploma con 14 nominativi speciali nel periodo 19 settembre 9 ottobre 2016.



2016 is the 400th anniversary of the death of Miguel de Cervantes, one of the greatest writers in Universal History. His most iconic novel, “Don Quixote” is the most edited and translated book in all Literature History, just behind The Bible.

To commemorate this importa, member society of the IARU, is promoting the following special event, available to all licensed hams and SWLs worldwide

Contacts will be valid in any mode and band from 160 to 10 meters with the 14 stations using the special AN400 prefix. The suffixes of the 14 special event stations are the letters of each of the letters of the name of the author


And so, the 14 special station callsigns are:

AN400M, AN400I, AN400G, AN400U, AN400E, AN400L, AN400D, AN400C, AN400R, AN400V, AN400A, AN400N, AN400T, AN400S


From 19th September 2016 at 0000z to 9th October 2016 (2359z)


There are three different categories, depending on the number of AN400 stations the requestor has contacted (or SWL reports in the case of SWLs)


European stations: For stations with at least 9 contacts with different AN400 stations in any band or mode.

Stations outside Europe: for stations with at least 6 contacts with different AN400 stations, on any band or mode


European stations: For stations with contacts on at least 3 different bands with at least 9 AN400 stations on each one of those bands, on any mode

Stations outside of Europe: for stations with contacts on at least 3 different bands, with at least 6 AN400 stations on each one of those bands, on any mode.


European stations: For stations with contacts on at least 3 different bands with all 14 of the AN400 stations on each one of those bands, on any mode.

Stations outside Europe: For stations with contacts on at least 3 different bands with at least 10 AN400 stations on each one of those bands, on any mode

All the diplomas will indicate the name and callsign of the requestor and the position obtained in their DXCC entity for the total number of valid QSOs. Diplomas will be available for free in PDF format.


Crystal Medallion:

A high quality crystal trophy will be awarded in the following different categories to the top participants that achieve the highest number of different contacts with the AN400 stations on different bands and modes. The trophy is engraved with the stations name, callsign and the position achieved on each ranking. These top performers will receive their trophy directly at their home free of charge.

World top 20: For the 20 highest scorers worldwide

North America top 5: For the 5 highest scorers in North America

South America top 5: For the 5 highest scorers in South America

Asia top 5: For the 5 highest scorers in Asia

Africa top 5 For the 5 highest scorers in Africa

Oceania top 5 For the 5 highest scorers in Oceania

Any other participant can request a personalized medallion with the station call, name and position achieved in his/her continent and DXCC directly from the shop in the webpage.


Participants who wish to do so may form teams of up to 3 stations from anywhere in the world. Teams can be formed on the official web page at any time during the competition.

The number of QSOs of each team will be the sum of the individual QSOs of each of the team members. The 10 teams with the highest QSO total will receive a printed diploma with their classification. This special diploma will be sent free of charge to each of the team members.

For ranking purposes, contacts will be valid on each of the following 3 modes: 1-SSB; 2- CW and 3. Digital modes, and on each of the 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, and 10m bands. Each band/mode contact only counts once, duplicate contacts are not taken into account for the ranking. In case of a draw, the station who completed the last QSO first will be win.

Each trophy will include the position obtained in each class and worldwide. Online log consultation and the position of participants in the QSO ranking can be followed daily on the website http://cervantes.ure.es

The log will be updated every 24 hours. Repeat contacts are recommended if a contact with a station is not reflected on the online log. Notwithstanding, any participant can make possible log error requests from 10th to 15th October if they consider that have a justified reason.


Those participants classified in each category can freely download their personalized diploma in PDF format from the official website. Diplomas will be available for download as from 15 October 2016. We do not require logs to be submitted since the online log is available on the web.

SWLs should send their lists of stations received up until October, 20th to SWLcervantes@ure.es and their diploma will be sent by email.

The top stations classified in each category ranking will receive free of charge by post the special crystal medal engraved with their name, callsign, and position obtained. The list of candidates will be updated on the website daily. Once the event is concluded, stations should send an email to cervantes400@ure.es to confirm their postal address.

If a participant wishes to receive a printed diploma on high quality paper, they may request it at a cost of EUR 8 for one copy. In the case a station wishes to request 2 or 3 (for example, silver, gold, and platinum), the cost is EUR 10. Postal charges are included.

If a participant wishes to receive a personalized Crystal Medallion with name, callsign and position in the ranking per continent and DXCC, they may request it a cost of EUR 25. Postal charges are included.

Trophies and diplomas can be requested directly at the website http://cervantes.ure.es



  1. Ciao Luigi non serve inviare i log , i qso sono registrati automaticamente dalla verie stazioni AN400 e puoi verificare la tua situazione tramite il sito http://cervantes.ure.es/ selezionando LOG ONLINE.

    Avrai la conferma dei QSO fatti e se hai raggiunto i requisiti per il diploma potrai scaricarlo direttamente in formato digitale.

    ciao Franco iw3hv

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