Frequenze in uso alla sala operativa Dipartimento Protezione Civile e Di.Co.Mac.
6990 – 7045 -3643,5 kHz
Rete prefetture
7045 – 3643 Psk31 6990 – 3580 khz
Raggruppamento nazionale Radiocomunicazioni Emergenza R.N.R.E
7060 KHZ
Following the catastrophic earthquake which Struck central Italy on 24 August, Italian radio amateurs are active in the emergency response. Please keep 7045, 7060 (+/- 10 kc), 3580 and 3643.5 kHz clear for emergency communications within Italy.
Frequenze VHF/UHF in uso alla protezione civile ( Funzionari e volontariato)

Olimpic Games 2016 from 5 to 21 august 2016 in Rio de janeiro three Brasilian special callsigns :
ZV2016RIO ( by LABRE Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Rádio Emissão )
ZZ2016RIO (by ARAF – Associação dos Radioamadores de Florianopolis – Special Callsign)
Rio 2016 Award was issued by LABRE, to celebrate the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 , from August 01, 2016 to September 30, 2016, in 3 (three ) categories as follows.
Russian special callsign Olimpyc Games R31RIO , during period 5-21 august 2016.