“Russian Telegraph Club (R-CW-C)” sixth years

     Il 22 ottobre ricorre il sesto anno della fondazione del “Russian Telegraph Club (R-CW-C)”  , per l’occasione è stato istituito un diploma della durata di un giorno dalle 00,00 alle 23,59 UTC del 22 ottobre 2016.

Per l’ottenimento del diploma necessitano almeno 6 QSo in CW.

     The 22nd of October is the Birthday of RCWC club in honour of this event the memorable electronic diploma < RCWC 6 years > was established by the Council of the R-CW-C Club.

     To get the diploma one has to get on the air on the 22nd of October 2016 and work actively by telegraph with other radio amateurs having conducted not less than six CW QSO, from  00:00 UTC  to  23:59 UTC .




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